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Hi, You're receiving this email because {name} thinks the Replacement Deckchair Sling in June Sunset Acrylic (sold) would interest you. The replacement deckchair slings have been specifically made to fit the Madder & Rouge Deckchair Frame which has the feature of easily removable slings. (For other deckchair frames we suggest you purchase your preferred fabric by the meter. Available fabrics can be seen in the fabric section.)

This item is the fabric sling only.
Unfortunately due to supply issues we are no longer selling complete deckchairs or frames.

About our Deckchairs and Fabric:
The fabric is designed by a mill located in a small village in the South-West of France. They have been producing fabric since 1873 using traditional weaving methods.
This fabric called Jour de Fete, is 100% acrylic and is made for the mill by Sunbrella in France. Sunbrella fabric is renowned for its outstanding resistance to UV rays. Built to be an all weather fabric, it will keep its vibrant colour for years. The fabric also features a stain and soil resistant finish. For more information, please click Here Regards,
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