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Hi, You're receiving this email because {name} thinks the April Vase - Petite (1 left) would interest you. This April Vase is the baby of the April Vase family. Especially designed for wild flowers and children’s bouquets. Evenly made of 21 blown tubes fitted into zinc coated metal frame, this vase will easily fit the different corners of its new environment.

A few flowers is all it takes to adorn this signature vase.

You can arrange the components into various shapes and forms. From this starting point, you are able to rearrange the vase into diverse positions. As a contrast in forms, after removing one of the tubes from the chain, the two tail-ends can be joined to create a ring. The tubes may be independently detached from the suite in order to create autonomous segments. In this fashion, the vase can be shortened; or, by easily attaching two or more vases together, any extended length can be achieved.

Designed by Sigolène Prébois and Catherine Lévy in 1991, the April Vase, a classic today, was considered a Martian object when it was first introduced to the general public, and was not an immediate success. However, the avant-garde florist Christian Tortu recognized it as a new, necessary tool and displayed it in his boutique at Saint-Germain-des-Prés for years. Today the April Vase is sold in the best boutiques all over the world. With the celebration of its first quarter century, it continues to enhance the beauty of flowers.

Height 10 cm
Length From 13 to 55 cm
Width of Tubes : 2 cm diameter
Material: Zinc coated metal and glass

Clean the tubes with a bottlebrush (and a little white vinegar to remove limestone deposits), or remove the tubes from the metal structure and pop them in the dishwasher (do NOT wash the metal structure in the dishwasher!). After using it in water, the metal gets oxidized: a “white rust” will appear. 

It comes with a handy spare glass tube.
  For more information, please click Here Regards,
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